Proverbs 13:20 (NIV) Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
Walk with Me as I walk with you for I AM the desire of your heart.
Delight in Me and My Wisdom too.
All are yours as you walk with Me.
I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
This is another example of the depths of Truth within this verse for all wisdom is found within Me. Which means, as you focus on the me inside you, you shall find Wisdom too.
I AM The Way. Walk therein.
In your knowingness of My Acceptance of you, you have found GOLD. A nugget, more than a nugget of Wisdom.
I accept and delight in you just as you are.
You are a powerful creator which brings challenges if your focus falls to circumstance.
Focus on Me and My Glory and My Truth shall become your reality.
Walk in My Wisdom, not the worlds.
Hold My Hand.
Seek Me, search My Heart.
Turn your back to this world and run to Me.
Embrace Me.
My Arms are open wide and waiting and delighting in you.
Come to Me.
Hug Me.
Love Me.
I am here and waiting for you.
My Love for you is Greater and overcomes all things.
Love and Wisdom are deeply interconnected.
As you accept My Love, My Wisdom will spring forth like wildflowers in the springtime.
Your Word for today is ACCEPTED.
"You are / I am Accepted and Loved of God."
Simply delight in that all day and watch My Miracles abound around you.
I Love you with an Everlasting Love that is profound.
Walk in Me and My Love for you.
"I AM" right here.
Yours Forever and Always!
Father, Thank you! I praise you and thank you for Your Goodness! I praise you and thank you for Your Wisdom! I praise you and thank you for Your Love! Father, I pray for all saints and for all of those who will become your saints that we may all walk in You and Your Love and Your Wisdom. I pray that we may all know You and that we may know, like we know, like we know, REALLY KNOW, that we are accepted and loved of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Possessor of all things. I pray for Divine Revelation, Wisdom, and Knowledge of Your Acceptance and of Your Love for all who believe and will believe in You, Our Savior. Praise you for Our Salvation! Praise you for Your Acceptance! Praise you for always being right here with us accepting and loving us, and delighting in us just as we are. In Jesus name, Amen